Новости кинематографа


- Engineers Set Their Sights On Asteroid Deflection
- Astronomers Explain Blue Stragglers: How Do Mysterious Stars Stay So Young?
- Citizen Scientists Reveal a Bubbly Milky Way
- Somatic Stem Cells Obtained from Skin Cells; Pluripotency 'Detour' Skipped
- Ecologists Capture First Deep-Sea Fish Noises
- Planets With Double Suns Are Common
- Following Genetic Footprints out of Africa: First Modern Humans Settled in Arabia
- Nowhere to Hide: Tigers Threatened by Human Destruction of Groundcover
- Australian Saltwater Crocodiles Are World’s Most Powerful Biters
- Engineered Bacteria Effectively Target Tumors, Enabling Tumor Imaging Potential in Mice
- Sharp Images from the Living Mouse Brain
- Elusive Higgs Boson May Nearly Be Cornered
- Why Spring Is Blooming Marvelous: Switch That Accelerates Flowering Time Discovered
- Researchers Identify Mysterious Life Forms in the Extreme Deep Sea
- New Species of Deep-Sea Catshark Described from the Galapagos
- Giant Planet Ejected from the Solar System?
- Brain Size May Determine Whether You Are Good at Keeping Friends
- Global Sea Level Likely to Rise as Much as 70 Feet for Future Generations
- Toward Twister Forecasting: Scientists Make Progress in Assessing Tornado Seasons
- Global Extinction: Gradual Doom Is Just as Bad as Abrupt
- Winning Makes People More Aggressive Toward the Defeated
- Inner Weapons Against Allergies: Gut Bacteria Control Allergic Diseases, Study Suggests
- Stratospheric Superbugs Offer New Source of Power
- Biologists Replicate Key Evolutionary Step
- Human, Artificial Intelligence Join Forces to Pinpoint Fossil Locations
- How Bees Are Harmed by Common Crop Pesticides
- Remote Wilderness Polluted by Humans
- Saturn-Like Ring System Eclipses Sun-Like Star
- Societal Control of Sugar Essential to Ease Public Health Burden, Experts Urge
- Roots of Hunger and Eating: Plasticity in the Brain's Wiring Controls Feeding Behavior in Mice
- Space Weather: Explosions On Venus
- Ancient Popcorn Discovered in Peru
- More Than Half of All Cancer Is Preventable, Experts Say
- Rebuilding the Brain's Circuitry
- Computer Program Scores 150 in IQ Test, Swedish Researchers Demonstrate
- Cassini Chronicles Life of Saturn's Giant Storm
- Bacteria Communicate by Touch, New Research Suggests
- Quantum Microphone Captures Extremely Weak Sound
- Planets Smashed Into Dust Near Supermassive Black Holes
- They Call It 'Guppy Love': Biologists Solve an Evolution Mystery
- Bats Show Ability to Instantly Change Their Ear Shapes, Making Their Hearing More Flexible
- Giant Super-Earths Made of Diamond Are Possible, Study Suggests
- New Procedure Repairs Severed Nerves in Minutes, Restoring Limb Use in Days or Weeks
- Electricity and Carbon Dioxide Used to Generate Alternative Fuel
- X-Rays Illuminate the Interior of the Moon
- Whole New Meaning for Thinking On Your Feet: Brains of Small Spiders Overflow Into Legs
- In the Dragonfish's Mouth: The Next Generation of Superstars to Stir Up Our Galaxy
- A Mitosis Mystery Solved: How Chromosomes Align Perfectly in a Dividing Cell
- Electrical Engineers Build 'No-Waste' Laser
- Marine Biodiversity Loss Due to Global Warming and Predation, Study Predicts
- Believing the Impossible: No Evidence for Existence of Psychic Ability Found
- Neuroscientists Identify How the Brain Works to Select What We (Want To) See
- Global Carbon Emissions Reach Record 10 Billion Tons, Threatening 2 Degree Target
- Climate Change May Bring Big Ecosystem Shifts, NASA Says
- Fallout of a Giant Meteorite Strike Revealed in New Model
- Is Fructose Being Blamed Unfairly for Obesity Epidemic?
- Diabetes May Start in the Intestines, Research Suggests
- A Battle of the Vampires, 20 Million Years Ago?
- Atomtronics: Exotic New Matter Expected in Ultracold Atoms
- Castaway Lizards Provide Insight Into Elusive Evolutionary Process, Founder Effects
- Six to Nine-Month-Olds Understand the Meaning of Many Spoken Words
- Dawn Sees New Surface Features On Giant Asteroid Vesta
- Early Black Holes Grew Big Eating Cold, Fast Food
- Graphene Reveals Its Magnetic Personality
- Red Meat Consumption Linked to Increased Risk of Total, Cardiovascular, and Cancer Mortality
- Lull in Ship Noise After Sept. 11 Attacks Eased Stress On Right Whales
- Asteroid Lutetia: Primitive Body from Solar System's Planet-Forming Period
- Physicists Chip Away at Mystery of Antimatter Imbalance
- Scientists Find Evidence of Ancient Megadrought in Southwestern U.S.
- Carbon Dioxide Was Hidden in the Ocean During Last Ice Age
- Mental Time-Travel in Birds
- Protective Gene Discovered in Fat Cells
- Astronomers Discover Rare Galaxy at Dawn of Time
- World's Smallest Vertebrate: Tiny Frogs Discovered in New Guinea
- Savannas and Forests in a Battle of the Biomes
- Scientists Turn On Fountain of Youth in Yeast
- Memory Strengthened by Stimulating Key Site in Brain
- New 'Electronic Skin' Patches Monitor Health Wirelessly
- Obese People Regain Weight After Dieting Due to Hormones, Australian Study Finds
- West Nile Virus Transmission Linked to Land Use Patterns and 'Super-Spreaders'
- Recharge Your Cell Phone With a Touch? New Nanotechnology Converts Body Heat Into Power
- Earth's Core Deprived of Oxygen
- NASA Telescopes Help Solve Ancient Supernova Mystery
- Regular Chocolate Eaters Are Thinner, Evidence Suggests
- Autistic Brains Develop More Slowly Than Healthy Brains, Researchers Say
- Helping Your Fellow Rat: Rodents Show Empathy-Driven Behavior, Evidence Suggests
- Energy Requirements Make Antarctic Fur Seal Pups Vulnerable to Climate Change
- Mystery of Source of Supernova in Nearby Galaxy Solved
- Geoscientists Use Numerical Model to Better Forecast Forces Behind Earthquakes
- Out of Africa? Data Fail to Support Language Origin in Africa
- Severe Python Damage to Florida's Native Everglades Animals Documented in New Study
- Winged Dinosaur Archaeopteryx Dressed for Flight
- H. Pylori Bacteria Linked to Blood Sugar Control in Adult Type II Diabetes
- New Material Can Enhance Energy, Computer, Lighting Technologies
- World's First Super Predator Had Remarkable Vision
- Global Experts Question Claims About Jellyfish Populations
- Conformity Linked to the Size of a Brain Region
- Evolution of Staph 'Superbug' Traced Between Humans and Livestock
- Cooling Semiconductors by Laser Light
- Erasing Signs of Aging in Human Cells Now a Reality
- Getting to the Moon On Drops of Fuel
- Neuron Memory Key to Taming Chronic Pain, New Research Suggests
- Sun Delivered Curveball of Powerful Radiation at Earth
- Molecular Graphene Heralds New Era of 'Designer Electrons'
- Bioluminescence: Explanation for Glowing Seas Suggested
- New 'Smart' Material Could Help Tap Medical Potential of Tissue-Penetrating Light
- Badwater Basin: Death Valley Microbe May Spark Novel Biotech and Nanotech Uses
- Genetic Information Migrates from Plant to Plant

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0 58 2012-12-20 23:24:24  Гена
0 18 2012-12-20 23:23:08  Гена
0 24 2012-12-20 23:22:51  Гена
0 25 2012-12-20 23:22:26  Гена
0 18 2012-12-20 23:22:02  Гена
0 24 2012-12-20 23:21:45  Гена
0 21 2012-12-20 23:21:27  Гена
0 19 2012-12-20 23:20:15  Гена
0 18 2012-12-20 23:19:54  Гена
0 23 2012-12-20 23:19:38  Гена
0 27 2012-12-20 23:19:22  Гена
0 24 2012-12-20 23:19:07  Гена

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